Having trouble launching your brand?
Running a business begins with setting goals. And to achieve those goals, we create a list of tasks that need to be completed. But do you ever feel like you can't complete a certain task because you're not sure if you will succeed? And that thought of not succeeding is enough to make you not want to try in the first place?
We all go through ups and downs, but at the crucial stage of launching your brand, you can't afford to procrastinate for days or weeks, and certainly not months or years. So here are six things that will free your mind from those negative thoughts and unleash your productivity.
1. Remember, you're not alone
A recent client was struggling to plan her brand launch and reached out to me for guidance. She had a clear vision in mind and had already done a lot of brainstorming on content. However, she also recognized that she had reached a roadblock and needed help in order to move forward with her launch.
The simple act of talking about her struggles brought clarity and stress relief, even before she made the decision to work with me. So my first piece of advice, whether you choose to hire someone or not, is to remember that you're not alone. Find someone who will listen to and support you, because having an outlet for frustration is crucial to overcoming that frustration.
After signing on, she admitted she was having a hard time with the first task: to define her product offer. As she started sending some bullet points my way, she always wrote the same phrase at the end, "This definitely needs revision."
2. Expect Revisions, Not Perfection
Launching a brand is very personal, so when you have to start sharing ideas with someone else, it can feel daunting. My client had to share ideas with me, someone she had only known for a short time, and ignore those negative thoughts about being judged by others. But more than that, she had to ignore her SELF-judgment and realize that when you define your product offer, (or any aspect of your brand) it's not going to be perfect the first time around. You have to let go of the fear of writing down a wrong answer – which was no doubt engrained in our heads from school – and just let the ideas flow.
3. Trick Your Mind Into Letting Go
Acting with imperfection, in other words, to do something that may be incomplete, inaccurate, or not a representation of your best work, may seem like a bad idea, but the only truly bad idea is never acting at all. Trick your mind into letting go of the fear of failure, by repeating that phrase over and over to yourself. And never forget that there's a delete key on our laptops for a reason! Any time you start a task, whether it's hashing out your product offer, creating a buyer persona, or writing a blog, remember you can always hit the delete key, and any trace of imperfect content or ideas will be gone.
4. Take a Break and Come Back
I can't stress enough how important it is to give yourself time to take a break and return to a task. That's a great way to allow yourself to feel at ease when acting with imperfection – because you know it's only temporarily imperfect, and after a 20 minute walk or a coffee break, you can come back and really make it perfect! (That's how I manage blog writing!!)
5. Remember Nothing Stays the Same
Remind yourself that what is true now, may not be true in three days, three weeks, or three months. Your audience may be different, you may expand your services, and your prices may increase. Challenge yourself to put everything on paper that's in your mind, and breathe deeply with the knowledge that it's all going to change anyway, so the fact that you wrote it down, imperfectly, is the most perfect thing you can do!
6. CONSULT a Brand Strategist
If you're still struggling to organize your to-do list and make progress on daily tasks, consult a brand strategist who can provide structure, offer daily support, and make recommendations that will achieve results. If you're ready to take those steps ASAP, let's connect! If not, you can also take this questionnaire to find out what strategies are right for you.